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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Puffle Party 2011 cheats

Hi everyone

Here is the Puffle
 2011 Cheats

         Here are the puffle rooms and what puffle is inside them

       Night Club -Purple Puffle
       Underground Pool -Black Puffle
       Lighthouse -Yellow Puffle
       Beacon -Green Puffle
       Box Dimension -Orange Puffle
       Mine -White Puffle
       Forest -Blue Puffle
       Cove -Red Puffle
       Dance Lounge -Brown Puffle
       Iceburg -Pink Puffle

These are the free items this year: 

                        Blue Puffle Hat:
Go to the Plaza to get the Blue Puffle Hat(or cap)

Puffle Coat:


Go to the Puffle Show to get the Puffle Coat

Here is some extra rooms without a certain puffle
Night Club Roof:
                The night club roof is decorated with Speakers,DJ booths and a dance floor with puffles

      A giant snow castle and puffles inside it

  All the rooms inside the town are decorated as common puffle toys
 A giant puffle scratchy playhouse

 Ski Village:
  The puffle show is here and the rest Everyday Phoning Facility and ski lodge are decorated as puffle toys

  Pizza Parlour is puffle scratch toy and puffle shop is decorated as puffle tent

Pet Shop:
  Puffle shaped spotlights,puffles dancing,brown puffle is finnaly there!

Snow Forts:
 A bunch of snow forts with puffles on them,when you  throw a snowball at a puffle it gets covered in snow

 Feed A Puffle:
  Throw a snowball and you feed a puffle
  Thats all of the cool,SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET puffle party cheats

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