Christmas Lights Top



Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hi everyone... ow!

I got injured badly so i wont be posting in a while...


Tricked Ya!

The APRIL FOOLS Party on club penguin started!

Here are the cheats

* New MEMBERS ONLY  Scavenger Hunt*


Each dimension has a piece of a box in it!

1. Go to the box dimension and click on the cardboard in the middle
2. Go to the cactus box and click on the mountain.

3. Go to the doodle dimension and click on the pencil and click on the box part
4. Go to the mars dimension and do the stars as a constelation and click on the stapeler

5. Go to the silly dimension and click on the box peice on the pillow
6. Go to the stair dimension and click on the peice of cardboard

7. Go to the cream soda dimension and click on the tape

8. Go to the candy dimension and click on the spoon stuck in the strawberry ice cream

Then go to the box dimension and catch the box elevator before it goes down, you need to claim your prize first and wear nothing else but your prize

Here is another free item FOR MEMBERS ONLY   go down the elevator of box and go to the locker and click on it 2 times and get the hat and coat.

Free NON- MEMBERS item: purple propeler hat

Go to the dock and finish the paint picture

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