Christmas Lights Top



Thursday, March 31, 2011

New dance lounge!

Hi wackadoodles (wack-a-doodles)

The new dance lounge is HERE

Take a look,oh bits and bolts is here too

If you can see the rainbow circles, that is bits and bolts!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hi everyone,

rookie is a famous penguin, here is the tracker

Here is rookies player card

Here is my XAT tracker

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

When you meet rookie here is the stamp you get

Here is rookies background

Here are some tips on finding rookie:

1. Rookie always goes in the box dimension rooms, or the box dimension

2. Rookie goes on servers with 3 green bars, never safe chat

3.Rookie wears the green color, a propeler cap, red sunglasses, and a  Red Lou Shirt

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Thanks for the pictures from

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Messages from G and Director meaning!

Semi-First of all i want to link to


If you remember the messages from G and Director they both have INITALS (Letters short for words)

The message from G has these words-

SG = Shadow Guy

GG = Gammal Gal

SZ = Squidzoid

RH = Rockhopper

AA = Aunt Arctic

S = Sensie

GTTG = Gary the gadget guy

HPB = Herbert P. Bear

KTC = Klutzy the Crab

B&B = Bits and Bolts


Here is the director words

PTTF = Unknown

NSHBT = Norman Swarm Has Been Transformed

CPT = Club Penguin Times

SBP = Unknown (maybe the blue crab)

DJKD = Unknown   (possibly DJ Cadence)

GB = G Billy

SB = Stompin Bob

PK = Petey K

F = Franky

Did you notice that all the famous penguins are in it?

And all the stuff is mentioned in the Club Penguin Times

Oh yeah i almost forgot... if you dont know what the blue crab is click on the red

The semi-final thing i want to do is link back to

Comment `Below!

Message from Director!


Theres a message from the director!
It says

Agent Protob----
PTTF!#$&NSHBT$&*(CPT@&$*#SBP (If this is a link dont click)

Comment below!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Venus Fly Trap!

Hi everyone!

Today I got a venus fly trap!

Here is a picture of it!

As you can see this is in my kitchen, and myvenus fly trap is in the  right corner!

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P.S. I got this at the store Delicious Orchards


Are you tired of CP not being updated?

Well here are some other websites you can try

 fantage  poptropica  nick  panfu  thats all!

My name on fantage is Josen6

My name on poptropica is Speedy Rider

My name on nick is Josen

and I don't go on Panfu

Friday, March 25, 2011

rookie famous!!


If you look in this picture rookie might be famouse!
I created a fake picture to go with the one above

This is the FAKE picture:

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Hi everyone!

If you were on CP last year around tbe April Fools Party,

the mine shack was the spinning arrow room!

Now they switched the spinning arrow room to the Recycling Plant!

Check it out!

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Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hi everyone... ow!

I got injured badly so i wont be posting in a while...


Tricked Ya!

The APRIL FOOLS Party on club penguin started!

Here are the cheats

* New MEMBERS ONLY  Scavenger Hunt*


Each dimension has a piece of a box in it!

1. Go to the box dimension and click on the cardboard in the middle
2. Go to the cactus box and click on the mountain.

3. Go to the doodle dimension and click on the pencil and click on the box part
4. Go to the mars dimension and do the stars as a constelation and click on the stapeler

5. Go to the silly dimension and click on the box peice on the pillow
6. Go to the stair dimension and click on the peice of cardboard

7. Go to the cream soda dimension and click on the tape

8. Go to the candy dimension and click on the spoon stuck in the strawberry ice cream

Then go to the box dimension and catch the box elevator before it goes down, you need to claim your prize first and wear nothing else but your prize

Here is another free item FOR MEMBERS ONLY   go down the elevator of box and go to the locker and click on it 2 times and get the hat and coat.

Free NON- MEMBERS item: purple propeler hat

Go to the dock and finish the paint picture

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New message from G... I don't gettttttttt itt

Hi everyone,

Theres a new message from G

It says:
                 Protobot's jamming---
                 $#(SG(G(#SZ(!&#(*B&B@----ERROR-SIGNAL LOST

If a link shows up on here dont click on it

It sounds like the protobot is jamming the EPF again, or did we jam him?

Comment Below Wackyadoodles! (wack-ya-doodles)

Monday, March 21, 2011

April Fools Party Construction!


The April Fools Party Construction has started!

Here all all the rooms:

The sad thing about the box dimension is that you can't go in the middle anymore

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Field op 34

Cp made a new field oppery (opp-er-eee)

Go to the Command Room and recieve your orders from G

The location of this field opperey is at the mine shack on Herberts statue the blocked CP from drowning...

Pretty Obvius right?
It is a new game called Signal Detected
Its really tricky because it goes fast, slow, fast, slow , fast fast fast, slow slow slow

and it takes the numbers away and it doesnt show numbers like 30, 130, 270

Once you complete it theres a message from G

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New April Fools Party Log - in screens!

Hi everyone!  Theres a new April Fools Party Log in Screens !

I made a little video to show you!

#1 Says: Join Club Penguins Wackiest Party

#2 Says: Writing Knock Knock Jokes

#3 Says: Loading Propeler Caps

#4 Says: Preparing Silly Surprises

#5 Says: Building Cardboard Boxes

#6 is just the logo

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Sunday, March 20, 2011




It says: Attention EPF. As of now, i am jamming all communication frequencies.
Without it, your destruction is assured.

Comment OH below NO!

Puffle Cannon!

Hi everyone!

If you finish building a cannon on puffle launch you get a free igloo item!!

Its a puffle cannon...

This is a floor item, not a puffle item

If you cant see the words they say:

The first one- Left Arrow Key
The second one- Normal (dont press any arrow key)
The third one- Right Arrow Key

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Club Penguin Pure black glitch!

Hi everyone!

When i went on club penguin today to post about the message

I was black and when i tried changing my color it wouldn't change!


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Update: This glitch was fixed :)

New EXCLUSIVE Klutzys grandpa or sometin

Hi everyone!

Klutzy has a grandpa or an uncle or sometin!


It looks like this is one of herberts new accomplices

Here is the link to the message     Come on get here already!!

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New message from G and Director!

Hi everyone,

theres a new message from G and Director
The one from G says:
                             We have discovered an important clue in herberts plans.He may have more crab accomplices working with him than just klutzy.

The one from Director says:
                               Agents make sure that you complete your field ops quickly this week.We may have discovered some unsettling information about herberts accomplicies.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

You can still enter the IGLOO CONTEST!!

Bounjour tous les organismes vivants {Hi all living organisms}

Theres a glitch on Club Penguin,

You can still enter the igloo contest!

If you can't see what my clock on my picture says it says:

4:12 pm
3/15/2001 in other words March 15,2011

And the igloo contest sign is there!

If you don't believe me look at the day of this post!

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Puffle Launch is HERE!!!

Hi evryone,

Puffle Launch is HERE!!!

Go to the pet shop to get started!

The main objective of the game is to get all the puffle-o's in one round and to build a cannon
To beat one level you have to get to the ring of fire

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New field op!!!

Remember that post with the dot message?

Well heres the field op to go with it!

Its in the stadium in the little sports room

Your phone should ring when you get it.

Its called Lock Detected!

Its tricky, you can click your mouse to do itor you can use the space bar!

Good Bye!

                               Comment  Below!

New Message From Dot

(Im putting words from a song in this post, Stuff the has a ! is a word from a song)

It's astounding!

Dot just sent our phones a message

Time warp!!!

Look at it:

It says:
Heads up-I was disquised as a soccer ball at the Stadium,and I saw a crab rushing around. I suggest we investigate.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Disney Get Connected Video

Hey Everyone,

Theres a new get connected video all about puffles!

Here it is:

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New Penguin Style Catalog

Hola Amigos! {Hi friends}

There's a new penguin style catalog

Here are the cheats:

Page 1:
         Click on the girl penguin's beak

Page 2:
          Click on the biggest leg on the table

Muy dulce!{Pretty Sweet!}
                                         Comment Below

Puffle Glitch

Hi everyone,

if you make your puffle do something or it does something it turns white!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Im so sorry :(

Whoever heard of the tsunami and the earthquake in japan must feel bad!


I feel so bad for them :(

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Bean Counters!! Secret Levels too!!

Hi everybody!

Here is how to get to the secret levels on Bean Counters:

Click on the crack in the beanbag,

Click on the beans

Click on any level

Dont forget the instructions

What A Candyfilled Cuprise, Comment Below

New Better Igloos Catalog!!!

Hi everyone!

I have the March 2011  Better Igloos cheateries (cheat-er-ies)

If you can't see the picture here are the cheats:

1. Click on the cherry on the Mint Chip Chair

2.Click on the chocaate and strawberry ice cream on the lamp

3.Click inside the hole in the double dunk chair

    Next Page

1.Click on the hole in the wishing well

2.Click on the cloud on the Pot O' Gold

3.Click on the word clover

Pretty Minty Cheats!!!! :D